Live Blog Reporter App
You can use the Live Blog Reporter app to update your blogs from your tablet or smartphone. The Live Blog Reporter app is specifically designed for mobile devices. Using the Live Blog Reporter app makes blogging on-the-go easy, and makes it possible to submit new content from virtually anywhere. The Live Blog Reporter app is free to use with your Live Blog Pro mobile, team or corporation plan.
The Live Blog Reporter app allows the user access to a mobile friendly version of the Editor Mode. The Live Blog Reporter app does not allow access to more advanced administrative features such as User Management or Theme Management. Those must still be accessed in the web application.
You must first download the application from your device’s app store: Google Play or the Apple App Store, depending on your device. Search for “Live Blog Reporter App” in your device’s application store. The Live Blog Reported app works with both Android and Apple phones.
Once you’ve downloaded the app, open it by clicking on the app icon in your applications list.
Your login credentials will vary depending on whether your Live Blog instance is self-hosted or hosted by Sourcefabric. For customers, your URL will be your chosen blog name + For self-hosted blogs, your URL will be the same one that you use for your web application.
When you open the app, you can login to your Live Blog instance using the same username and password credentials as you would use to login to your web application.
When you login to the Live Blog Reporter app, you will be taken to the Blog List, just as you would in the web application. Blogs that you have access to will be bold, while those that you do not belong to will be greyed out. You cannot request access to blogs from the app interface. Contact your administrator or editor directly to request access to a blog.
You will see the settings menu in the top left corner of the app interface.
When you click on the Settings menu, you will see a new pane slide out from the left side. Clicking on the About link will tell you more about the app. When you are done using the app for the day, you can log out using the grey LOG OUT button at the bottom of the Settings menu pane. Click on the Blog List link at the top to close the Settings menu.
Clicking on a Blog in the Blog List view will take you into the Editor mode. Just as in the web application, you will see options in the Editor to add text, images, embeds or quotes.
Adding text in the Live Blog Reporter
If choose to add text, your device will automatically bring up a keyboard for you to input your text item.
Below the textbox, you will see a toolbar, from which you can add formatting to your text. From left to right the formatting is bold, italic, link, strike-through, numbered list, bulleted list and remove formatting. Click on your desired formatting, then enter the text. When a formatting is active, the toolbar icon will change from grey to black.
When you are satisfied with the text that you have entered, click on the checkmark in the top right corner to save the changes.
If you wish to discard your progress, click on the x in the top left. Clicking on the x will prompt you to confirm that you want to discard your current content.
Adding an image in the Live Blog Reporter
If you wish to upload pictures to Live Blog that you have taken on your device, you must first give the Live Blog Reporter app permission to access your media. When you tap the image option, you will need to confirm your choice to upload images from your device. You only need to answer this question once.
At the bottom of the interface, you will see recent images from your device’s gallery to add to your post. You can take a photo directly from the app interface by selecting the camera icon at the top of the image thumbnails.
Once you have selected an image, you can optionally add an image credit and caption.
Click the checkmark in the top right corner to save the image to your post. Click the x to discard the image.
Adding an embed in the Live Blog Reporter
You can paste an embed code or URL in the text box provided. When you tap the textbox an input keyboard will appear at the bottom of the screen. Click the checkmark in the top right corner to save the embed to your post. Click the x to discard the embed.
Adding a quote in the Live Blog Reporter
You can attribute a quote in the text boxes provided. Add the quote on the first line, then attribute the quote on the second line. When you tap the text box an input keyboard will appear at the bottom of the screen. Click the checkmark in the top right corner to save the quote to your post. Click the x to discard the quote.
Multi-item posts in the Live Blog Reporter
Similar to the Live Blog web application, you can create posts that contain several pieces of text or media.
This is a Create icon.
Once you have added a piece of media you will see grey Create icons above and below your text or media item.
When you click on the Create icons above or below your current media, you will be prompted to select your next media type. You can insert many types of media in a single post.
Submitting and Publishing from the Live Blog Reporter
Once your post contains at least one media item, at the bottom of the Editor you will see options for resetting, submitting or publishing your post.
Tapping the RESET option will prompt you to confirm your choice to delete all the media that you have open in the Editor.
Tapping the SUBMIT option will send your post to the Contributions tab of the web application. There is no Contributions tab in the Live Blog Reporter app. To view your contributed post, you will need to log in to the web application.
Tapping the PUBLISH option will publish your post directly to the Live view. Depending on your user role and permissions, you might not be able to publish directly from the Live Blog Reporter app. If you are a Contributor, you will need to submit your post and have it approved by an Editor before being published.