

API - This is an acronym that stands for Application Programming Interface. In this case, it refers to the lines of code that make up all parts of Airtime. In the Airtime manual, we sometimes talk about “calling something up from the API” for use on your website. This refers to accessing metadata within the Airtime API to display on your personal website.


Calendar - The Calendar is a feature in the Airtime interface from which you can view your shows. You schedule your shows by clicking on the +New Show button at the top of the Calendar. You can set your Calendar to daily, weekly or monthly views. You can also change the time blocks to be anywhere from 1 minute to 60 minutes in length.


File - For Airtime, a file is an audio track that can be uploaded through the Airtime interface to form your library. The file formats that are supported for streaming in Airtime Pro are MP3, FLAC, AAC (m4a) and OGG. Once a file is uploaded from your computer to Airtime, we usually refer to it as a track.


Metadata - Metadata is information appended to your tracks and playlists such as track creator, title, description, etc. Airtime uses this information in the creation of Smart Blocks, Rotations, and displays some of the track information on your Radio Page. You can edit the metadata by selecting a track in the Tracks tab and clicking the Edit button. Complete as many of the metadata fields as possible in order to get the most from Smart Blocks and Rotations features.


Instance vs. Show - In Airtime, a show is a block of booked time in your schedule. A show can be a single occurrence or a series of multiple occurrences that are linked together with similar content, known as a repeating show. A single block on a specific day and time is called an instance.


ISRC number - This is a metadata field in the edit tracks window. ISRC stands for International Standard Recording Code. It is a unique international numerical identifier for music and sound recordings. ISRC numbers are tracking numbers for royalties and digital music sales.


OGG - OGG is an audio file format. Your Stream can be set to broadcast in OGG format.


Program - Programming is the act of adding tracks, playlists or rotations to a show in Airtime.


Schedule - You can view your Airtime schedule in the Calendar. The schedule lists the shows that are set to play out on your Airtime station. You can create a show by clicking on the +New Show button at the top of the Calendar.


Stream - Your Airtime Stream is what listeners connect to on the internet to access your radio station. Listening to a Stream does not require you to download any media onto your device. Your stream URL is found in your Settings menu under the Streams section.


Track - A track is an audio file that you can upload from your computer to your Airtime library.

UTC - UTC is coordinated universal time. All Airtime shows are scheduled in UTC regardless of your display timezone in Airtime. This ensures that you can’t schedule overlapping shows, even if users have differing display timezones.



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