
Integration: Twitter with Airtime Pro

Airtime Pro and Twitter

Airtime Pro has a built-in integration with Twitter. Twitter is a 3rd-party website and mobile social media application which allows for short communications with your listener audience. Twitter messages are capped at 140 characters.

Airtime Pro allows for Twitter integration so that you can send messages from the Airtime interface to your followers about the name of the shows, tracks, DJs, etc. Sending messages using Twitter is called tweeting. To make the most of your Twitter account, build your audience by promoting your Twitter account using other social media tools.


To get started with Airtime Pro Twitter integration, you must first sign up for a Twitter account. Go to the Twitter website to make an account. The Twitter URL is:

Click on the green Sign Up button on the top-right corner of the Twitter webpage. You will need to confirm your Twitter sign-up with a code that is sent to your phone or email.

 Once you confirm your Twitter account, you are ready to connect the account to your Airtime Pro. From the Airtime main menu, select Settings > General > Twitter Settings.

Click on the Connect with Twitter button.

Clicking on the Connect with Twitter button opens a new window where you will need to authorize Airtime Pro to use your Twitter account to post tweets. If you do not authorize the app, Airtime will not be able to send tweets. Enter your Twitter username or email and Twitter password, then click the Authorise app button.

You will know that your Twitter account has been successfully connected because the Connect with Twitter button is now a Disconnect button.


You are now ready to customize your Airtime tweets. You can enable the tweets to send out automatically, using the checkboxes above each section. If you choose to leave them disabled, you can still send tweets. Default tweets are already assigned but you can change them by typing something different into the textboxes provided. Items in the curly brackets are templates. They will change depending on your station and what tracks are playing. For best results, use the templates exactly as they are shown below. Do not change anything between the curly brackets. The more metadata that is available for your tracks, the more templates you can incorporate and the better your tweets will look. Your Auto-tweets are capped at 140 characters, including the curly bracket replacements. If your Auto-tweet doesn’t resolve, it’s likely that your tweet was too long. You will not get an error message informing you of this.

 Template examples are shown here:

  • {show_name} the name of the show
  • {show_description} best with short descriptions because of the Twitter 140 character limit
  • {show_host} insert name of the DJ to which the show is assigned
  • {track_title} the track title
  • {track_artist} the name of the track creator
  • {track_album} the name of the album
  • {track_composer} the name of the composer
  • {track_description} the info in the track description section
  • {stream_link} the direct link to your stream
  • {radio_page_link} the link to your Airtime Radio Page

You can send out a tweet at any time by clicking on the Twitter logo at the top of the Airtime interface, even if you have the Auto-tweet functions enabled.

When you click on the Twitter logo at the top of the Airtime interface, a mini-window opens. Type in your message and then click the Tweet button at the bottom of the window. Remember to stay under 140 characters, including the replacements from the curly brackets. Note that Twitter has a built in spam filter. If you send out too many tweets in a short period of time with the same show name etc, not all your tweets will send because of the Twitter spam filter.

Airtime Pro is not affiliated with Twitter. If you have further questions about using Twitter, please contact the Twitter support team.  

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