
Integration: SoundCloud with Airtime Pro

SoundCloud is a 3rd-party website and mobile application which allows you to create and share sounds, voice and music. The advantage of SoundCloud is that it’s very easy to share your files through various social media platforms. It can be accessed from various mobile apps and from the SoundCloud website.

In order to comply with the terms and conditions of using SoundCloud, be sure that the tracks that you are uploading to SoundCloud only contain original content that you have created.

Setting up SoundCloud

To get started with Soundcloud, you must first create a SoundCloud account. The SoundCloud URL is

Click the Create account button on the top-right corner of the SoundCloud website to make your account. You can sign up for SoundCloud using Facebook, Google or your personal email address.

Once you have signed up for a SoundCloud account, you can access your Airtime SoundCloud connection setup from the Airtime main menu by selecting Settings > General > SoundCloud Settings.

Click on the Connect with SoundCloud button. This will open a new browser window from which you can sign in to your SoundCloud account. Once you’ve successfully signed in to SoundCloud, you will notice that the Connect button in Airtime has turned into a Disconnect button. Your SoundCloud connection is now ready to use.

You can Disconnect your Airtime station from SoundCloud at any time by clicking the Disconnect button. Disconnecting your Airtime station from SoundCloud will not delete your SoundCloud account, simply disable the uploading from Airtime to SoundCloud. Once connected, anyone with the permissions of Program Manager, Admin or Super Admin will be able to publish your Airtime media to SoundCloud.

You can edit the Default License and Default Sharing Type by selecting an option in the drop-down menus in Airtime.

Default License refers to the copyright status of the media that you are uploading to SoundCloud. As per the SoundCloud user agreement, all the content that you are uploading to your cloud should be created and owned by you, so as to comply with the usage terms and conditions and not infringe on the rights of others.

Default Sharing Type refers to status that your uploaded media material receives as it published in SoundCloud. Public sharing means that anyone on SoundCloud can listen to the media, without permission. Private tracks need to be shared by you with individuals.  

When you are happy with your SoundCloud set up, click the Save button at the top or bottom of the Airtime General Settings page.

Publishing to SoundCloud

Now that your SoundCloud account is connected, you can begin to publish tracks. Click on the Tracks tab in the Airtime main menu. Search for the track that you wish to upload by typing the title, creator or album in the search bar. Currently, you can only publish from the Tracks tab.

Once you’ve selected the track that you wish to upload, the Publish button at the top of the Tracks window will become available.

After you click the Publish button, a new window will open on the right. Here you can click the Edit the Metadata button to change the track title or creator. Select the SoundCloud checkbox.

Click the Publish button at the bottom of the Publishing window.

You will see that the track has been successfully uploaded to SoundCloud when the green checkmark appears. You can remove the track from SoundCloud by clicking the red Unpublish button, or by logging in to the SoundCloud website and deleting it there.

Airtime Pro is not affiliated with SoundCloud. If you have further questions about the SoundCloud interface, please contact the SoundCloud support team. 


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