
Live Blog - Glossary

Active Blog - An Active Blog is a Blog that is open for contributions and edits. The opposite of an Active blog is an Archived Blog.

Administrator (role) - There are three levels of permissions in Live Blog: Contributors, Editors and Administrators. Administrators have the highest level of permission. In additions to publishing blog posts and managing all blog content, administrators can create new blogs, change Theme settings and manage all user profiles.

Analytics - A feature of the Classic Theme, clicking on the Analytics icon will let you see the traffic sources for your embedded blog in a convenient table.

Archived Blog - An Archived Blog is a Blog that is closed. You can not edit or add new content to an Archived Blog. The opposite of an Archived Blog is an Active Blog.

Author avatar / user icon - Live Blog supports the upload of user icons in the user profiles. These icons can appear as your author avatar in the Blog Live view, provided that option is enabled within the Theme Settings.

Blog -  A blog is an aggregation of content, a narrative that is told by putting together multiple individual blocks of information. A blog is a usually hosted on a website. In terms of content it may contain a log of the writers’ subjective experiences, observations or opinions, as well as objective events and information. Blogs can be factual or opinionated. A blog may cover a specific event or a story that unfolds over time. A blog is usually updated frequently with posts. Posts are entries within a blog.

Blog List icon - The Blog List icon is shaped as four black squares. You will find the Blog List icon near the top left corner of the Blog List view. When you view a Blog in Editor mode, you can return to the Blog List view by clicking on this icon.

Blog List view - When you log in to Live Blog, you will taken directly to the Blog List view. The Blog List shows all the Blogs that have been created within your LIve Blog instance. At the top of the Blog List view, you can choose between the Active Blogs tab and Archived Blogs tab. The Blog List can be viewed as a grid or as a list.

Blog image / cover image - When you set up a new Blog, you have the option to add a Blog image. The Blog Image will appear as a thumbnail in the Blog List grid view. You can optionally have the Blog image displayed at the top of the Blog in the Live view by adjusting the Theme Settings.

Blog Settings icon / gear icon - After your blog has been created, you can adjust your blog settings by clicking on the gear-shaped icon in the top right corner of the Blog Editor mode. Each blog has its own settings that can be adjusted.

Blog status - You can adjust the Blog Status in the individual blog settings menu (gear icon in the top right corner of the Blog Editor mode). Blogs can have one of two statuses: Active or Archived. Archived blogs cannot be edited until the status is changed back to Active.

Byline - Byline is an optional field in the User Profile. It is used to display the way in which the author would like to be identified. Within the Blog Theme settings, you can choose whether the author is identified by their full name, byline or sign off. These correspond to the same fields in the user profile. If the byline field is empty but selected as the author identification, no name will appear beside the date in the Live View.

Comments - Submitted by your readers, comments are replies to blog content. Comments that have been submitted by readers are found in the Comments tab of the Blog Editor mode. Comments must be approved and published by the blog editor before they are visible to the public. Comments tab icon pictured below.

Contributions - A contribution is a blog post that has been submitted, but not published. You will find these unpublished posts in the Contributions tab of the Blog Editor. Contributions can be re-opened in the Editor before being submitted. Only users with Editor role permissions can publish to the Live view. Contributions tab icon pictured below.

Contributor (role) - Three types of user roles exist within Live Blog: Editors, Contributors and Administrators. Contributors can create blog content in the Editor and submit it for approval. Contributors can edit their own posts but not the post of other users.

Consumer (Syndication relationship) - A Consumer is a blog that has been set up to receive posts from another instance of Live Blog. The relationship must be established in both the Producer’s instance and within the Consumer’s instance before the posts can be ingested by the Consumer.

Create icon - The create icon is found in several places throughout Live Blog, usually in the top-right corner of the Live Blog interface. Its use is context dependent. For example, in the Blog List view, it is used to create new blogs. In the User Management section of the Settings menu, it allows administrators to add new users.

Drafts - You will find the Drafts tab in the Blog Editor. When you create a new post, you have the option to save it as a draft using the SAVE DRAFT button. All items in the Drafts tab are personal. Nobody else can see drafts that you have created until you choose to publish or submit them for editor approval. Drafts tab icon pictured below.


Editor (Blog Editor mode) -When you click on a blog in the Blog List view, you will be taken into the Blog Editor. The Blog Editor has two sides; on the left you will find the Editor pane which includes tabs for the Editor, Contributions, Drafts and Comments. The Editor pane is where new blog posts are created. On the right side of the Blog Editor you will find the Timeline view and a link to the Live view. From the Timeline view, you can rearrange posts, open published posts for editing, delete posts and unpublish posts.

Editor (role) - There are three levels of permissions in Live Blog: Editors, Contributors and Administrators. Editors have the ability to publish posts, edit posts from other contributors, and manage the blog content from the Timeline view. Editors can also create new user profiles and manage their team.

Edit icon (pencil icon) - This pencil icon appears at the top of blog posts and comments. Clicking on the edit icon will open the associated item in the Editor tab.

Embed - In Live Blog, an embed is a piece of media from an external source. Examples of embed sources include Facebook posts, Twitter tweets, or videos from YouTube. You can insert an embed in your blog by selecting the Embed button in the Editor tab and adding the embed code, supplied by the source, or by inserting the URL from the original item.

Embed Height - This is a parameter in the Blog Settings menu. You can toggle between normal and responsive height. The responsive height is fluid and varies depending on the width of the embedded media.

Free Type - An optional user-defined post type created within the Live Blog interface using .html. Free Types can be created in the Free Types Manager section of the Settings menu. Once created the new free type can be used by selecting it from the CHOOSE POST TYPE button in the Editor pane.

Gear icon - You will find the gear icon in the top right corner of the Blog Editor mode. Clicking on the gear icon will let you adjust some general blog settings such as the blog status, blog title, blog image, and display theme etc.


Highlight - Highlighted posts are posts that are featured. Highlights can be enabled in the Theme Settings. Highlights can be created by clicking on the star-shaped icon in the Timeline view or in the Blog Editor. Blog readers can choose to view these featured posts by clicking on the the star button in the Live view. By clicking on the star button, readers will only be shown the featured posts.

Hamburger menu / Settings menu- You will find the black and white Settings menu in the top right corner of the Live Blog interface. This is where administrators can add add Themes, adjust Theme settings, add new users and edit user profiles.

Individual Blog Settings icon (gear icon) - After your blog has been created, you can adjust your blog settings by clicking on the gear-shaped icon in the top right corner of the Blog Editor mode. Each blog has its own settings that can be adjusted. This is also where you can apply Output Channels, add team members and enable a blog for Syndication.

Ingest - The ingests tab is located in the Blog Editor pane. Ingested blogs are syndicated blogs from other instances of Live Blog. Before a blog can be ingested, a consumer-producer relationship needs to be established between the two instances of Live Blog. When a syndicated blog post is made available from a Producer it is sent to a Consumer’s blog. The process of receiving a blog post from an external source is called “ingesting”. Depending on the Autopublish settings, the post from the Producer will either be published automatically, or it will be available in the Ingest tab of the Consumer’s Blog Editor mode awaiting approval. The Ingest tab image is shown below.

Live Blog Reporter App - The Live Blog Reporter app is specifically designed for mobile devices. Using the Live Blog Reporter app makes blogging on-the-go easy, and makes it possible to submit new content from virtually anywhere. The Live Blog Reporter app is FREE. The Live Blog Reporter app allows access to a mobile friendly version of the Editor Mode. The Live Blog Reporter app does not allow access to more advanced administrative features such as User Management or Theme Management.

Live view - You can access the Live view from the Blog Editor by clicking the link beside the Timeline view. The Live view is what the blog readers see.

Marketplace - The Live Blog Marketplace is a feature which allows instances to promote blogs that they have available for syndication. In order for your Blog to appear in the Live Blog Marketplace, you will need to fill out a form:

Output Channel- An Output Channel is an optional group of settings that can change the look and layout of your blog. You can adjust the Output Channel settings in the Individual Blog settings menu (gear icon) accessible from the Blog Editor Mode.  

Password - Once an admin has created a user profile for you, you will receive an email with login instructions. You will need to create a password. This password is your authentication to log in to Live Blog. Your password must be at least 8 characters long, with upper and lower case letters, and some numbers and/or special characters.

Pin icon - The pin icon is how you create Sticky Posts. You will find a pin icon at the top of every individual post in the Timeline view and Blog Editor view. It might be grey (inactive), blue (sticky) or black (as you mouse over it).

Post - A post is a blog entry. In Live Blog, posts can be at different stages of completion. Posts can be drafts or contributions. A single post can contain several types of text or media. In Live Blog, posts can be made public by the act publishing.

Producer (syndication relationship)- Producers are Live Blog instances that have blogs available for syndication. Producers need to initiate the Producer-Consumer relationship by registering a Consumer in the Syndication tab of the Hamburger menu.

Publish - The act of making a blog entry public. Published posts are visible to readers. Published posts can be unpublished by Editors and Admins. The publish icon is pictured below.

Readers - The general term in this manual for people who are viewing your Live view and who are not part of your Live Blog Team.

Remove - This is the Live Blog term for permanent deletion. The remove icon is pictured below.

Sign-off - Mandatory field in the User Profile. It is used to display the way in which the author would like to be identified when they don’t want to use their full name. Within the blog Theme Settings, you can choose whether the author is identified by their full name, byline or sign off. These correspond to the same fields in the user profile.

Slideshow mode - When enabled in the Classic theme, when a reader clicks on an image in the Live view, they will be taken into the Slideshow mode. In the Slideshow mode, images from the blog are enlarged and presented on a black background, ideal for viewing images in greater detail.

Sort Bar - The sort bar is found on the Live view. It enables readers to change the order in which they see blog entries. Sticky posts will always appear at the top, regardless of the sorting chosen. The Newest first and Oldest first sorting will override any manual adjustments that have been made to post order. The highlights button and the comment button can also be found in the sort bar, if they are enabled in the Theme Settings.

Sticky Posts - You will find the pin icon on the top right of every post in the Timeline view. If the pin icon is blue, that means the blog entry is sticky to the top of the Timeline and Live view. Sticky posts are outlined in blue in the Timeline view and shaded in blue in the Live view. In both cases they can be hidden/viewed using the up/down arrow.


Team - A team is a group of users that work on the same blog. A team can be composed of admins, editors and contributors. Team members can be added or removed by clicking on the gear icon in the top right corner of the Blog Editor mode, then selecting the Teams tab on the left.

Theme - Themes affect the way in which your readers will see your blog. In the Theme settings, administrators can control whether features like highlights, reader comments and blog image are available to users. You can also customise displays of date and time and author names. You can find the Theme management in the Settings menu in the top left corner of the Live Blog interface.

Timeline view - You will find the Timeline view on the right side of the Blog Editor mode. Depending on your permissions, in the Timeline view, you can adjust the editorial post order, unpublish posts, highlight, pin and edit the blog entries.

User icon / author avatar - You can change your user icon from your user profile. If enabled in the Theme settings, your user icon is also your author avatar in the Live view.

Username - Your username is what you use to log in to Live Blog. Once your profile is created, your username cannot be changed. Usernames can only have alphanumeric characters in addition to dash (-), underscore (_), periods (.) and apostrophe (‘).

User Management - You can find the User Management section in the Settings menu. Use this section to add new users to your Live Blog instance by clicking on the create icon in the top right corner of Users pane.


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