How do I change my Live Blog login password?
If you have forgotten your password such that you can’t log in to Live Blog, click on the Forgot password link below the login text boxes on your Live Blog website.
Live Blog will then prompt you to submit your email address in order to get a code to reset your password. Note that the email you submit must be the same as the one listed on your Live Blog user profile. Click the GET TOKEN button. Shortly after you click the GET TOKEN button, you will receive an email with your token which will allow you to reset your password. Follow the emailed instructions to reset your Live Blog passwords.
You can also change your password from within the Live Blog interface.
Access your profile by clicking on your user icon in the top right corner of the Live Blog interface and then selecting the PROFILE link below your username.
Click on the change password link halfway down the page in the profile pane.
Clicking on the change profile link will pop up a new window where you must input your current password and then your new password twice. Note that your new password must be at least 8 characters long and contain 3 out of the following:
- Lower case letter (a-z)
- Upper case letter (A-Z)
- A number (0-9)
- A special character (!@#$%^&*...)
Once you click the SAVE PASSWORD button, you will need to use your new password to log in on your next session.