
Analytics - Playout History

Analytics - Playout History

It is sometimes useful to print a copy of your library. This article takes you through how to view, save or print parts of your library.

You can print a list of tracks from the Playout History section of the Airtime menu. You can access the Playout History section by clicking on the Analytics tab, then clicking on Playout History.

Towards the top of the Playout History pane, you will see three buttons: Log Sheet, File Summary, and Show Summary.


Log Sheet

The Log Sheet displays tracks that have played out in a specified period. In the Log Sheet, the displayed tracks can be from across multiple shows. This includes the names of tracks that have aired in re-broadcasted Webstreams and Live Broadcasts, provided that the metadata for the Tracks is available.

By default, you will see the Log Sheet with all of the tracks that have been played out in the past 24 hours. You can adjust the length of time displayed using the date boxes at the top of the Playout History pane then click the Filter History button to update your time period. You can sort the Log Sheet by start time, title, creator etc. by clicking on the column titles.

If you wish to sort by different categories, such as year, genre or language, you can adjust the displayed columns in the History Templates tab on the left. You can read more about log templates here.

In the top right of the Playout History pane, you will see four white buttons:

Copy - Copy the current page of entries to your clipboard. Paste them into another application.

CSV - Save the displayed log as .csv file.

PDF - Save the displayed log as .pdf file.

Print - Print a hard copy of your displayed log.


File Summary

The File Summary will show all the tracks in your library which have been aired at least once.The File Summary button will only show aired tracks that are played from your Airtime library.

This is the best way to print your full library. You can sort the File Summary by title, creator, number of times played etc. by clicking on the column titles.

If you wish to sort by different categories, such as year, genre or language, you can adjust the displayed columns in the History Templates tab on the left. Read more about how to make a history templates here.

In the top right of the Playout History summary, you will see four white buttons:

Copy - Copy the current page of entries to your clipboard. Paste them into another application.

CSV - Save the displayed summary as .csv file.

PDF - Save the displayed summary as .pdf file.

Print - Print a hard copy of your displayed summary.


Show Summary

The Show Summary log will show the tracks that have been played out in each show. The shows can be collapsed or expanded but you can only view the contents of one show at a time.

To view the contents of a show, click on the show title.

In the top right of the individual show summary, you will see four white buttons:

Copy - Copy the current show content to your clipboard. Paste them into another application.

CSV - Save the displayed show summary as .csv file.

PDF - Save the displayed show summary as .pdf file.

Print - Print a hard copy of your displayed show summary.


How to add more entries to your Playout History

You can manually add tracks to your show log.

Clicking the blue +New Log Entry button in the Playout History tab allows you to manually enter items into the log by filling out the text boxes in the window that pops up. You can choose to add the item to a specific show log. Click the Find button to retrieve a list of your shows. When you are done, click the Save button at the bottom of the window.

You can edit existing log entries by left clicking on them, then selecting the edit option. Editing the metadata in the Playout History will change the track metadata in the library as well.


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